Monday, April 26, 2010

Is there a trick to Organization?

Everyone that knows me, knows that I am extremely unorganized. I loose everything (in college I left my friend Nicki's shoe in a parking lot), I can never remember anything, I even forget a question if I'm not chosen to speak right away, and these are a few of the facts that keep my life unorganized.

Now if you look closely that is a pic of my cubicle at work, and just by that glimpse you can see that I am also very unorganized at work. Now, I am not proud of this fact, I would love to change and become a totally organized person but every time I try it only lasts for a little while.


Today, a coworker of mine, Delilah tricked me into being more organized at work. I'm going to give a little background. At work when we have cases, after we are finished with our investigations the case records are to be ORGANIZED and closed. Since I have been at my job for the past 19 months I have closed A LOT of cases. But there are a FEW (a little more than few) case records that have not been ORGANIZED and handed in. TECHNICALLY, those cases though closed are not considered closed. On top of that my supervisor is the "Haitian Hitler" when it comes to messing up at work.

So, in order to TRICK (scare) me into organization Delilah (my unit member) sends me a bbm stating that out deputy director came by my desk today looking for a case record and while looking she realized that I had about 20 (oops I told) old case records and chewed out my supervisor which in turn stated that she was going to "take care of me" when I got back from court. She stated that they were ordering me to do home visits by Friday for each case before I handed in the records in and I would also be written up for each case. After reading the bbm message my anxiety quickly kicked in and my stomach started churning and I even became physically sick (I will leave it at that). Anyways she let that simmer in for a couple of hours and before I went back the office I called Delilah to check on our supervisor's status (see how close to death I was) and she confessed, saying that she was trying to teach me a lesson........AND BOY DID I LEARN A LESSON.

THANK YOU DeDe, now you should help me like you promised.

1 comment:

  1. LMBO!!!! Thats what your booty get...stop procrastinating woman!!!! Tell delilah im here to back her up in any more crazy schemes that will get you more organized.... Organization=Peace of Mind....
