Friday, April 23, 2010


How long can I do this? I ask myself this question every time I deal with a removal ( taking a child from their home). Today was hard. When I have to look into a child's face and I am not able to comfort them and tell them that I can not promise that they will be gong home anytime soon, it makes me question my purpose. When tears are running down their eyes, when they are making excuses for the abuse and neglect that they continuously receive, when I'm telling a crying child happy birthday on the day of removal, and he/she is begging to go home with desperation and tears in his/her eyes, the guilt sets in and I think to myself, I'm going home tonight and he/she is not.

But them.........

I remember the moments when I arrive at a home and a kid is covered in marks/bruises, on the brink of suicide, has no food due to a drug habit, is being cursed at and put down everyday, is being inappropriately touched by someone who they trust (father, brother etc), having to watch and participate in domestic violence between parents, and that is only a few situations I can think of that I have personally encountered at work.

I realized......

The plan is to intervene for a short period of time, and return the children home as soon as the home environment is a heaven and not a hell that they have gotten use to because that is all he/she is accustom to. I know that my purpose is noble and will continue to do this until God sees different for me.

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